
Special thanks are due to the following for their invaluable contributions to the Northwestern High School Band Program:

Rock Hill School District III
Dr. Bill Cook, Superintendent of Schools Members of the Rock Hill School

District III School Board
Helena Miller, Chairman

Northwestern High School Administration

Hezekiah Massey – Principal
Anthony Lancaster – Assistant Principal
Katrina Moody-Byers – Assistant Principal
Chris Curtis – Assistant Principal

Middle School Administration & Band Directors

Castle Heights Middle School  –  Cynthia Robinson, principal  – Jermaine Evans, director
Dutchman Creek Middle School  – Clayton Moton, principal  – Scot McGuire, director
Rawlinson Road Middle School  –  Heather Andrus, principal  – Michael Skellett, director
Saluda Trail Middle School  –  Elissa Cox, principal  – Myra Amler, director
Sullivan Middle School  – Juan Roldan, principal  – Paul Guzewicz, director

And especially to the secretarial staff and classroom teachers
of Northwestern High School for their untiring efforts and cooperation.

Thank you for your support of music education at Northwestern High School and Rock Hill School District III.